แครี่ - 10 ( Carry-10 )


Rice Hull
Silicon Dioxide    0.10%
Mineral Oil          1.00%


Yellowish-brown, Odorless, Free Flowing


Bulk Density                    0.55-0.65 Kg/L
Moisture                          6.00-8.00 %
Flow Angle                      60°
Number of particle          50,000 particle per gram (min.)
pH of 10% suspension    6.5 - 7.0

Typical screen analysis (U.S.)

Pass No. 30                     100 %
Pass No. 40                     75.0 - 85.0 %
Pass No. 60                     50.0 - 60.0 %
Pass No. 120                   10.0 - 20.0 %


30 Kg. net in PP woven bags

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